NMU Online Migration & Transcript Certificate Application : North Maharashtra University

Organization : North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon
Service Name : Apply Online For Migration & Transcript Certificate

Website : http://nmu.ac.in/en-us/
Apply Here : https://nmuonline.feecounter.com/

How To Apply for NMU Migration Certificate?

** An application signed by student in the name of Controller of Examinations having details of student like Name, Mothers Name, Name of Examination, Month & Year of Passing, Name of College attended, Permanent Registration Number (PRN), Seat No., Class/Grade Obtained, Address for Correspondence, Email ID, Mobile No. etc.

Related / Similar Facility : NMU Online For Duplicate Mark Statement

** Enclose original Transference Certificate (Only for Migration) and attested photocopy of previous mark sheet and self addressed envelope. (Contact Ph. No. 0257-2257310). For candidates
** The prescribed fees for Migration Certificate is Rs.200/- up to five years from the year of passing and Rs. 500/- after five years from the year of passing.
** The fees once paid will not be refundable.
** Postage for abroad addressees is as applicable.
** Hard copy with necessary documents with necessary forwarding form the principal of the college to be sent to “The Controller of Examinations, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon”

How To Apply for NMU Transcript Certificate?

NMU Transcript:
** An application signed by student in the name of Controller of Examinations having details of student like Name, Mothers Name, Name of Examination, Month & Year of Passing, Name of College attended, Permanent Registration Number (PRN), Seat No., Class/Grade Obtained, Address for Correspondence, Email ID, Mobile No. etc.

** Attested true copies of all mark statement of all attempt of examination (including passed/failed/ATKT). From first sem/year up to final sem/year. Student taking direct admission to Second Year of Engineering and Technology and Pharmacy should attache qualifying diploma certificate also.

** Attested photocopy of Driving License/Ration Card/Voters Identity Card/Passport/Aadhar Card as a proof of permanent address.
** Attested photocopy of Birth Certificate/Leaving/Transfer Certificate for the proof of Date of Birth.
** The prescribed fees for transcript certificate is of Rs. 1000 /- (per copy).
** The fees once paid will not be refundable.
** Postage for abroad addressees is as applicable.
** Hard copy with necessary documents be sent to “The Controller of Examinations, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon”

How To Apply for NMU Merit Certificate?

NMU Merit Certificate:
** An application signed by student through the principal of college in the name of Controller of Examinations having details of student like Name, Mothers Name, Name of Examination, Month & Year of Passing, Name of College attended, Permanent Registration Number (PRN), Seat No., Class/Grade Obtained, Address for Correspondence, Email ID, Mobile No. etc.

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** Attested true copies of all mark statement/passing certificate for which applying.
** The prescribed fees for triplicate passing certificate is of Rs. 200 /-.
** The fees once paid will not be refundable.
** Note: Students passed after 2008 may collect the merit/rank certificate for the college attended.
** Postage for abroad addressees is as applicable.
** Hard copy with necessary documents be sent to “The Controller of Examinations, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon”

FAQ On NMU Migration Certificate

Sure, here are some frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the NMU Migration Certificate:

What is an NMU Migration Certificate?
An NMU Migration Certificate is a document issued by the North Maharashtra University (NMU) to students who have completed their studies at the university and are transferring to another university or college. The certificate serves as proof of the student’s academic record and credits earned at NMU.

Who can apply for an NMU Migration Certificate?
Any student who has completed their studies at NMU and is transferring to another university or college can apply for an NMU Migration Certificate.

What are the documents required to apply for an NMU Migration Certificate?
The following documents are required to apply for an NMU Migration Certificate:

** A completed application form
** A copy of the student’s NMU degree or diploma
** A copy of the student’s mark sheets
** A copy of the student’s ID proof
** A passport-sized photograph

Where can I apply for an NMU Migration Certificate?
Applications for NMU Migration Certificates can be submitted at the NMU’s office in Jalgaon.

How much does it cost to apply for an NMU Migration Certificate?
The application fee for an NMU Migration Certificate is Rs. 500.

Tags: nmu.ac.in

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