bsienvis.nic.in Online Registration : ENVIS Centre on Floral Diversity

Organisation : ENVIS Centre on Floral Diversity
Facility : Online Registration
Applicable For : All India
Website : https://bsienvis.nic.in/
Register Here : https://bsienvis.nic.in/

Online Registration :

Please enter the following details for online Registration,
1. Enter Username[Email id] *

Related : The National Trust Renewal of NGO Registration : www.statusin.in/26453.html

2. Enter Password *
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5. Enter Organisation Name
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9. Enter above code

About Us :
Ministry of Environment & Forests vide their Letter No. 4(25)/83-ENVIS, dated 18th March, 1994 approved setting-up of an Environmental Information System (ENVIS) Centre on “Plant Ecology” at Industrial Section, Indian Museum, Botanical Survey of India, Calcutta – 700 016.

However, since September 2002, this Centre has been functioning from Central National Herbarium Building, 3rd Floor, Botanical Survey of India, P.O. Botanic Garden, Howrah – 711 103, and is presently rechristened as ENVIS Centre on “Floral Diversity”

Objectives :
The main objectives of the centre are to collect and store data on various Floral diversities from different eco-regions of India.

Economic and Medicinal plants, plants that are used largely for sustainable development, cottage industries, food products and plants those are in the categories of rare and endangered.

All these processed information are disseminated as much as possible through an appropriate database to the different users nationally and internationally and to create an interlink by computer network.

Every year the centre receives various national and international queries on these regards for appropriate answer.

Contact Us :
Botanical Survey Of India
CGO Complex, 3rd MSO Building, 5th & 6th Floor
DF Block, Sector – I, Salt Lake City, Kolkata 700 064
West Bengal, India

FAQs :
1. You are a visitor. How to access website ?
As you explore ASQ’s Web sites, you will encounter content with Pdf files. Pdf files are downlodable only to registered visitors. When this happens, you will see a log-in screen where you can create an account. After that, use your e-mail and password to access materials on the site.

2. I’m a member of ASQ. How do I log in?
The first time you log in, enter your e-mail as your log-in ID and the password you were assigned when you joined. Your e-mail address must match the one you provided when you joined ASQ. You will select a new password after you log in. You’ll also select a hint to help you remember your password.

3. What can I access when I log in ?
You can see only content on the website, to see pdf files you need to register yourself and login to download pdf files.

4. What can I access when I register ?
Registered Visitors can see and access a wide variety of articles and PDFs from ASQ. They won’t see materials restricted to members, such as articles from our magazines and journals.

** Subscribers can see what registered visitors can see, as well as articles from the journals or magazines to which they subscribe.
** Members can access even more materials from our journals and magazines, as well as a much larger archive of quality tools and resources.

5. What are the plants indicators for Mineral ?
The plants which indicate the presence of characteristics minerals in the soil are called metallophytes, for example – Vallozia candida grows in the presence of diamond in soil.

Equisetum arvensis, Lonicera confusa, Papaver libonticum, Thuja species indicate the presence of gold mineral in the soil. Eriogonum ovafolium indicates the presence of silver mineral in soil.

Stellaria setacea grows in mercury rich soil. Astragalus spp. indicate presence of uranium. Viscaria alpina indicates copper minerals.

Viola calaminaria, V.lutea are indicators for zinc presence. Salsola nitrata, Euro ceatoides grow in boron rich soil.Dammara ovata, Dacrydium are indicators for iron mineral. Ilex aquifolium grows in aluminium rich soil.

6. Is there any plant indicator for Ground water
Certain plant communities indicate the depth of ground water e.g., Euphorbia caducifolia . Capparis decidua , Acacia senegal, Anogeissus pendula, Salvadora persica, Panicum turgidum, Tamarix and Ziziphus spp.

7. What are the plants indicator for Humus ?
Some plats act ac humus indicator. Monotropa ,Neottia and mashrooms indicate thee prence of humas in soil. Strodilanthes and Impatiens indicate the presence of high humus or litter.

8. What are the plants indicator for Soil type?
Many plants indicate the characteristics of soil. For exmaple, Casuarina equisetifolia , Citrullus colocynthis and Tanicum spp. grow in sandy soil. Imperata cylindrica and Vetivria grow on clayey soil. Cotton prefers to grow in black soil.

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