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Puducherry Police : Register Complaint Online

Organization : Puducherry Police
Service Name : Register Complaint Online
Applicable UT: Puducherry

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How To Register Complaint To Puducherry Police?

** Complaint is a module provided under CCTNS project to the citizens for escalating their allegations to the Police online.

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Related / Similar Facility : Puducherry Police Domestic Help Verification Request

** The basic advantage of this module is that, the citizen will not have to go to the Police Station and wait there for a long time to get his complain/allegation registered in Police records.
** On registering a complaint in Citizen Portal, registration number is automatically generated and acknowledgement is being generated.
** Simultaneously the Officer-In-Charge of the Police Station is alerted by the system to initiate action on the allegation.
** There after a Police Officer will contact the complainant and enquiry into the matter.
** However it is pertinent to mention here that when a genuine complaint will be acted upon in a time bound process, a false and fabricated complaint may invite legal action against the complainant.
** If you are new to Citizen Portal, Register on the portal and use it.
** If you are an existing user to Citizen Portal, Logged in the portal and use it.

How to register a Complaint:
** Login to citizen portal with your login id and password
** Click on ‘Register New Complaint’ link
** System will display register new complaint page
** Browse within tabs to make or select entries
** Enter or Select the information to be provided
** Click on ‘Submit’ button to save the inform

How will you a trace a complaint:
** Click on the complaint tab
** Select the view complaint search status
** Select the complaint radio button
** Enter the complaint number
** Click on view status
** The status of the complaint will be displayed

About Us :
The mission of the Puducherry police is to uphold the rule of law without fear or favour and to provide safety and security to the people without violating their Human Rights. The Police shall strive to maintain law and order and harmony in the society by performing duties in a non-partisan and unbiased manner and shall also focus on crime control in order to be able to instill confidence among the citizens


Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On FIR

1. How to check FIR?
Go to police station and ask the PC. Then we know the status

2. How to register an FIR?
Raise a complaint with request to register a FIR The complaint will be registered in the police station level and an enquiry officer will be assigned to enquire in to the complaint IF the EO finds your complaint genuine he will either obtain a oral or written report from you with your


We would like to make Policing more friendly. For your suggestions and feedback, please write to us at

Functions of Puducherry Police

The Puducherry Police is a police force in the Union Territory of Puducherry, India. It is headed by the Inspector General of Police (IGP), who is assisted by a Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG) and four Superintendents of Police (SPs). The Puducherry Police is responsible for maintaining law and order in the Union Territory, and for investigating crimes.

The Puducherry Police has a number of functions, including:
** Preventing crime: The Puducherry Police works to prevent crime by patrolling the streets, investigating suspicious activity, and arresting criminals.
** Investigating crimes: When a crime is committed, the Puducherry Police investigates the crime and gathers evidence to identify and prosecute the criminals.
** Maintaining law and order: The Puducherry Police is responsible for maintaining law and order in the Union Territory. This includes responding to public disturbances, crowd control, and preventing civil unrest.
** Providing security: The Puducherry Police provides security to government officials, public events, and other high-risk areas.
** Enforcing traffic laws: The Puducherry Police enforces traffic laws to ensure the safety of motorists and pedestrians.
** Providing public assistance: The Puducherry Police provides public assistance in a variety of ways, such as responding to emergencies, providing lost and found services, and helping people who are lost or in need.

Add a Comment
  1. I am not able to login to file my complaint. Please help me.

  2. I need the link to register a complaint through Online.

    1. You can use the below mentioned link to lodge complaint online :
      ** After going to this page select “Complaint” button
      ** You will be navigated to a new page, where you can see the procedure for lodging complaint.
      ** If you are new to Citizen Portal, Register on the portal and use it.
      ** If you are an existing user to Citizen Portal, Log in the portal and use it.

  3. How to lodge complaint online?

    1. How to register a Complaint:
      ** Login to citizen portal with your login id and password
      ** Click on ‘Register New Complaint’ link
      ** System will display register new complaint page
      ** Browse within tabs to make or select entries
      ** Enter or Select the information to be provided
      ** Click on ‘Submit’ button to save the inform

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